who are reading this blog every now and then. I want to apologize for that there was no entry for more than one month but the studies took overhand and I had to set some priorities. A lot of things happened during this time:
I took part in a study and got some wire-electrodes inserted in my calf, the finnish president Tarja Halonen visited Jyväskylä and I saw her and I lot more events I cann't even remember so fast.
However I also got some problems with the heel and had to cut down the running (only 40km the last 2 weeks) but therefore made a lot of cross-training like aqua-jogging, ergometer-cycling and gym training. Only yesterday I took part in a somewhat unique race - just for experience. It was held in a disused bunker of the finnish army.

Now I am writing the last papers and preparing the last days of my studies here and will go back to Germany on 20th of December to spend the Christmas time with my family - I am really looking forward for that.