Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Recovery - or not? or what?
After the weekend, when I was totally tired I decided to take an easier week now. Actually the recovery week was planned for next week, but I just felt horrible and decided that there was no reason for a self-punishment. So I am taking it a bit easier. What does that mean? Well, I don't set myself any goals concerning the next exercises. In the morning I wake up and decide if I'm going for a morning run or not. Most of all it's about the mental effort, that makes the difference ...
However, even in a "recovery" week I have some good workouts. Yesterday 2hours skiing in nice conditions and with company - great. Today I decided to go to the gym in the evening - making some weights and maybe socialising a bit was the plan. But: there is a treadmill in the gym and after some time the treadmill was free and most of the machines were occupied. I ended up doing 2x5 K in 3:20min/km pace with 15mins stretching inbetween. Not like recovery - but as I said: it's all about the mental effort.
Recovery will continue anyway and some more km's on ski will follow later this week.

1 comment:

Miika Takala said...

Good Erik that you listen to your body. Try to take it the african way next time: Hakuna matata. Train hard and take it easy. Lets go for cup of coffee sometime!?