Monday, November 05, 2007

Thesis measurements
Last week started the POST-measurements for my M.Sc. Thesis. So quite busy times, spending 10-12 hours in the lab and analysing data. The 6 months of training for my subjects past really fast, but now I'm looking forward to finish all my measurements and focus on running again. At the beginning of December all the measurements should be done. Last week I mad the first bicycle-ergometer tests - "my" endurance-trained subjects improved quite a lot but still it's not so easy to analyse all the results because it seems there are also some non-responders. Anyway the differences to the control group are obvious (but I still have to run the statistical analysis i.e. significance etc.). This week most of the arm ergometer tests take place.

Because of the measurements I have to cut back the training during the weekdays and increase mileage and intensity again during weekends. Last weekend I ran 80-90km in 3 days (fri-sun) with one fast session (flat 10K in 34mins) on Saturday. Now it's again running easy (until Thursday) because I have to get up early and don't get too much sleep. You should not "burn the candle from both sides", especially during this time of the year when the days are getting rapidly shorter and the mood might be somewhat depressing. For those times it's also really important to have someone, who cheers you up and brings you to other thoughts, e.g. we (Minna and Ritva +me) went to the "top of Jyväskylä" and enjoyed a nice+relaxing evening.


Ritu said...

Did you seriously guess 30.04?! Amazing....what is your formula? :)

Miika Takala said...

Yes this is part of my therapy program :) Now someone else can read my thouhts.